How to Cancel Rai TV Subscription in Italy [Updated 2023]

Cancel-Rai-TV-Subscription-in Italy

Are you looking for ways to cancel Rai TV subscription in Italy? It is straightforward and will take a little time for you to cancel your Rai TV subscription with ExpressVPN.

Among the many different streaming options available in Italy, one of the most widely used is Rai TV. Because it is a public television channel, it provides a broad selection of Rai TV shows, including old and new releases such as; Pinocchio, Coco Chanel, The Traitor, Downfall, Tale of tales, and many more.

Due to licensing and distribution limitations, Rai TV is unavailable outside Italy. You’ll need a VPN subscription if you’re in the US and want to watch Rai TV or other streaming platforms like SonyLiv in Italy.

Rai TV is geo-blocked outside of Italy, so you won’t be able to view it there. But a VPN is what you need to get around this (we recommend ExpressVPN) for easily unblocking the Rai TV in USA, and it would also allow you to watch Rai TV on Firestick.

This article will guide you on how to cancel your Rai TV membership on different devices.

How Can You Cancel Rai TV Subscription in Italy on Different Devices

If you subscribe to a plan and don’t cancel within the specified period, your subscription will be automatically renewed, assuming you’ve given the system permission to do so.

Cancel Rai TV Subscription in Italy is a quick and easy process that can be accomplished via the website’s settings section.

However, similar to how it works with other streaming services, the cancellation won’t take effect right away after it’s been completed. Instead, the specific day on which the subscription will be terminated will be decided by the one-of-a-kind payment cycle associated with each subscriber.

You must cancel your Rai TV subscription in Italy at least 24 hours before the free trial or membership end to avoid getting charged for future periods.

Depending on the device you use, there are several different methods to terminate your Rai TV service with a VPN. Talking about the VPN, you can also unblock Disney Plus Hotstar in Italy, with a reliable VPN like ExpressVPN.

By getting a subscription from ExpressVPN you can easily watch BBC iPlayer in Italy and can also enjoy watching your favorite team playing by streaming Sky Sports

Following are the steps to cancel  Rai TV subscription on various platforms.

How Do You Cancel Rai TV Subscription via iPhone or iPad in Italy?

To terminate your membership to Rai TV on your iPhone or iPad, please follow these steps:

  1. Proceed to the next step by going to Settings > [Your name] > Subscriptions.
  2. Locate the membership you want to terminate, then press on
  3. Select either the option to cancel your membership or free trial at the bottom of the page.
  4. If you cancel your membership, a pop-up window will appear, informing you when the membership will be terminated.
  5. To finish off the cancellation, tap the Accept button.

How Do You Cancel Rai TV Subscription via Android in Italy?

To terminate your membership to Rai TV on your Android, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Play Store account and click the symbol that represents your profile. Check to ensure that you are using the appropriate Google account and that you are logged in.
  2. Choose “Payments & memberships” from the list of options on the
  3. If you want to delete your account, look for the “RaiPlay” membership and then click the button that says “Cancel Membership.”

How Do You Cancel RaiPlay Subscription on a Mac Computer in Italy?

To cancel Rai TV subscription on your Mac Computer, please follow these steps:

  1. Launch the app for the Apple App Store.
  2. The link is in your name. Click the Sign In button if you can’t locate your name in the list.
  3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Manage button when you have found the Subscriptions section.tap-manage
  5. Click the Edit button that’s located next to the subscription.
  6. Simply click the End Membership button. If there is no option labeled Cancel or End Membership, this indicates that the membership has already been terminated.

How Do You Cancel RaiPlay Subscription on PayPal in Italy?

To terminate your membership to Rai TV on PayPal, please follow these steps:

  1. First, visit Paypal and sign in to your existing PayPal account.
  2. Log out of your account and then choose the settings tab from the menu.
  3. You may manage your automatic payments by selecting “Payments” from the menu that has been supplied to you and then clicking on “Manage Automatic Payments” on the screen for Direct Deposits.manage-automatic-payments
  4. You will be presented with several different merchants’ agreements that you have previously dealt with. To stop the broadcast, choose “RaiPlay” from the drop-down menu.
  5. A confirmation page will load for you to review. Confirming that you no longer want to make payments to RaiPlay may be done by selecting the option labeled “Cancel Automatic Payments.”
  6. To finish the process of canceling your membership, go to the confirmation page and click the “Done” button.

How Do You Cancel Subscription Directly from Rai TV’s Website in Italy?

To terminate your membership Directly from Rai TV’s Website, please follow these steps:

  1. Check out RaiPlay by going to their website.raiplay-homescreen
  2. To access your account, please log in.
  3. In the part of the menu titled “Settings,” “Billing,” “Payment,” “Subscription,” and “Manage account,” search for one of the following options.
  4. Simply follow the on-screen instructions after clicking the link to cancel your membership.


There is no time limit on when you may terminate your RaiPlay subscription in Italy. You must cancel your Rai TV subscription at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial or membership to avoid getting charged for future periods.

No, removing your Rai TV app does not terminate your membership in Italy. When canceling your membership on a variety of devices, you will need to follow the appropriate procedures.

Yes, you can reactivate your Rai TV subscription even if you’ve already canceled it.


As a result, you can now access all the information you need to quickly and easily cancel Rai TV subscription in Italy. If you do everything exactly as mentioned in this guide, you should have no trouble. Put your additional Rai TV payments to rest and kick back for a while.

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Jane Davies

Jane Davies

Meet Jane Davies, your friendly guide to all the cool stuff on Paramount Plus. She's got the inside scoop on the best shows, movies, and sports. Watching with Jane means getting the best picks, like having a friend who knows all about what to watch next. She loves hiking, snapping beautiful photos, and trying out new foods. Her adventures off-screen are just as fun as the ones on it. So, if you're looking for what to watch or just want to hear about cool experiences, Jane's got you covered. Let's dive into the fun world of streaming together!

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